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Tag: General Liability Insurance

Gauging Liability Insurance Needs for Your Business

Gauging Liability Insurance Needs for Your Business

Every business should have liability insurance – but what policy limits are right for your company? A lease or contract may require liability insurance with a specific limit. For guidance, it is advised that you speak to an experienced insurance agent. Many business owners should have higher limits than the coverage required for a lease or contract.  Which Type of Business Liability Insurance Do You...

Professional Liability Insurance vs. General Liability Insurance

Professional Liability Insurance vs. General Liability Insurance

All businesses, large and small, face the risk of liability. Professional liability insurance and general liability insurance both provide protection for your business. The main difference between these two types of insurance is the different risks they cover.  What Is Professional Liability Insurance? Also known as errors and omissions (E&O) insurance, professional liability insurance is designed to protect you in case a client files a...